Content related to Generative AI for Taxonomy Creation
Enterprise Level vs. Team Level Taxonomies
Many of our clients ask us how to maintain taxonomies at both the enterprise and the team level without duplicating effort, overcomplicating systems, or burdening end users with multiple metadata fields. Depending on the size of your organization, the size … Continue reading
Taxonomy Use Cases: How To Estimate Effort and Complexity
When asked to define taxonomy, I like to define it as a method rather than a thing. I typically say taxonomy is a way of categorizing things hierarchically, from general to more specific. Sounds simple enough, right? After all, who … Continue reading
Common Taxonomy Design Mistakes, Part I: Failing to Include Your End Users
The necessity of a business taxonomy has become increasingly apparent as organizations across the globe have shifted to working from home and, consequently, have an increased need for their employees to be able to quickly and independently find and discover … Continue reading
Enterprise AI Readiness Assessment
Understand your organization’s priority areas before committing resources to mature your information and data management solutions. Enterprise Knowledge’s AI Readiness Assessment considers your organization’s business and technical ecosystem, and identifies specific priority and gap areas to help you make
targeted investments and gain tangible value from your data and information. Continue reading
Natural Language Processing and Taxonomy Design
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that processes and analyzes human language found in text. Some of the exciting capabilities that NLP offers includes parsing out the significant entities in content through a statistical analysis … Continue reading
Best Practices for Successful Metadata Governance
Metadata governance is often seen as burdensome, tough to implement, and even harder to prioritize. When organizations embark on a metadata initiative, they tend to focus on design and development rather than governance. Metadata and taxonomies are living tools that … Continue reading
Applying The Five Laws of Library Science to your Next Taxonomy or Digital Product
The rate at which we are producing new information is unprecedented. Each year our ability to capture and create information becomes easier. As a result, the need to find information becomes more and more important. Designing the structure of information … Continue reading
Enterprise AI Trends in 2020
Enterprise Artificial Intelligence (AI) entails leveraging machine capabilities to discover and deliver organizational knowledge and information in a way that closely aligns with how users look for and process information. The number of Enterprise AI applications is rapidly growing. Previously, … Continue reading
Keys to Successful Ontology Design
Ontologies can capture highly complex ideas and business logic, provide more intuitive ways to structure information, and can ultimately power new use cases, such as semantic search, recommendation engines, and AI. While many organizations aim to leverage an ontology, they … Continue reading
Project Cortex: At the Intersection of Microsoft 365 and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Almost every major technology company around the globe is dedicating resources to develop some form of Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities to help organizations accelerate access to critical information, support faster decision making, optimize customer support processes, recommend content, and help … Continue reading