Content related to Guillermo
How to Practice Agile in Traditional Management Roles
Organizations in the 21st century face great opportunities and threats presented by fast paced technological advances. According to Forbes Magazine, the most defining traits of a successful 21st century organization are: Relentless innovation, which requires a new mindset that liberates … Continue reading
EK’s Year in Review – 2017
As I did last year, I’m proud to close the year with a look back on EK’s accomplishments. We experienced another year of growth in new staff, new clients, and expansion of long-term efforts. We also continued to receive recognition … Continue reading
Top 5 EK Blogs of 2017
In the past year, EK employees have published over 40 pieces of thought leadership, addressing everything from best practices and success stories, to key insights and lessons learned. Sharing our knowledge and expertise is one of our guiding principles at EK, … Continue reading
Using Google Analytics to Obtain Customer Intimacy
Recently the term “customer intimacy” has exploded upon the digital landscape. Companies, corporations, and other entities have been exploring ways to better understand just who their actual customers are and how they can better relate to them. Customer Intimacy: The … Continue reading
Supporting Grassroots Communities of Learning
In this recent presentation from KMWorld 2017, EK’s Rebecca Wyatt presented alongside the National Park Service to discuss content strategy and grassroots Communities of Practice (Communities of Learning) support.
Validation Techniques to Enhance Usability
In this recent presentation from Taxonomy Bootcamp 2017, part of KMWorld, EK consultants Ben White and Tatiana Cakici discuss various validation techniques to ensure usability of taxonomy designs.
Business Analyst Role: Agile vs. Waterfall
In this presentation from the recent BA World Conference in Chicago, Illinois, EK Consultants Yanko Ivanov and Tatiana Cakici discuss the changing role of a BA between traditional Waterfall and Agile projects.
Transforming an Employee Portal to a Digital Workspace
When is a company both a brand-new startup and an established and mature company at the same time? In November 2016, Johnson Controls spun out its auto seating business, creating a new, wholly independent company called Adient. Adient was born … Continue reading
Using Google Analytics to Measure System Performance
Google Analytics is a free website analytics tracking service that affords webmasters, website owners, website developers, and marketing professionals a data set they can use to make informed decisions. The Google Analytics main screen breaks these data sets into five … Continue reading
Taking an Agile Approach to Adoption
Ensuring the adoption of new knowledge management programs, systems, and tools requires thorough planning well in advance of actually launching a new initiative. It also takes an agile approach to designing your solution so that you can adapt what you … Continue reading