Case Study

Content related to IT Support Implementation for a Large Federal Bank

Knowledge Management Trends in 2021

The last year has been a big one for Knowledge Management. Technology is advancing rapidly, introducing capabilities around knowledge graphs, ontologies, and enterprise artificial intelligence that seemed like distant possibilities just a few years ago. The pandemic, meanwhile, forced every … Continue reading

What is Information Scent, and How do I Design for It?

Information Foraging When developing search for a website or intranet, getting to know your end-users and their behavioral tendencies is critical in order to improve the relevancy of search results. Being able to predict how users interact with the site … Continue reading

Evaluating Knowledge Graphs for Search

The Challenge A national research organization wanted to determine the feasibility of building an organization-wide knowledge graph by building a knowledge graph proof of concept (POC), and evaluate the organization’s readiness to adopt knowledge graphs. The organization is one of … Continue reading

Designing Search on a Knowledge Graph

The Challenge A national research organization identified a high priority need to make research results easier to find. The organization manages multiple research domains that each produce hundreds of research projects, publications, and webinars annually on current, emerging, and critical … Continue reading

Enterprise KM Strategy for a Central Bank

The Challenge A central banking organization was seeking to more effectively fulfill its mission of administering monetary policy through the implementation of an enterprise approach to Knowledge Management (KM). Specifically, the Bank was seeking an understanding of their current KM … Continue reading