Content related to World Bank
Designing an Organization’s KM Journey
Organizations across the world are grappling with how to maximize the knowledge that their employees have access to. They face similar core business challenges related to knowledge management (KM): Staff can’t easily find useful and relevant information, when they need … Continue reading
Overcoming Enterprise Taxonomy and Ontology Design Challenges
In almost every taxonomy project, certain inescapable challenges arise. Many of these are the tangible business challenges, such as gaining stakeholder buy-in, configuring systems implementation and integration, drafting a governance procedure, and ensuring the business needs are met during every … Continue reading
How Knowledge Management Can Improve Your Business Process
In today’s rapidly advancing global market, effective Business Process Management (BPM) is essential for organizations as they navigate constant change and work to preserve their competitive advantages and evolve as an organization to meet new internal requirements and constraints. At … Continue reading
What I’m Looking Forward to Learning at SEMANTiCS Austin 2020
SEMANTiCS Austin 2020 is the inaugural SEMANTiCS U.S. conference that will bring together knowledge graphs, ontologies, and Enterprise AI. These topics, among others, are of particular interest to my work in search and semantics, and I am excited to see … Continue reading
What’s the Difference Between an Ontology and a Knowledge Graph?
As semantic applications become increasingly hot topics in the industry, clients often come to EK asking about ontologies and knowledge graphs. Specifically, they want to know the differences between the two. Are ontologies and knowledge graphs the same thing? If … Continue reading
Using Facets to Find Unstructured Content
What does ‘faceted navigation’ mean to you? For web-savvy individuals, it’s a search experience similar to that which you would find on Amazon. Facets primarily allow an individual to quickly sort through large amounts of information to locate a single … Continue reading
Integrated Change Management
Integrated Change Management addresses the complexities of modifying behavior, impacting culture, and realizing ROI while building internal capacity to manage change. It places your people at the center of the process to make change real, and ensure it sticks. EK … Continue reading
Top 10 EK Blogs of the Decade
In the past decade, EK employees have published over 230 pieces of thought leadership, addressing everything from best practices and success stories, to key insights and lessons learned. Sharing our knowledge and expertise is one of our guiding principles at … Continue reading
Top 5 EK Blogs of 2019
In the past year, EK employees have published over 60 pieces of thought leadership, covering a variety of topics, including Knowledge Graphs and AI, Knowledge Transfer, and Integrated Change Management. Below are the top 5 most viewed blogs and white … Continue reading
EK’s Year in Review – 2019
As 2019 comes to an end, I’d like to summarize our year and take a brief look forward to 2020. In 2019, we once again continued our growth, exceeding our performance expectations, adding new capabilities in Advanced Search and Enterprise … Continue reading