RDF*: What is it and Why do I Need it?
RDF* (pronounced RDF star) is an extension to the Resource Description Framework (RDF) that enables RDF graphs to more intuitively represent complex interactions and attributes through the implementation of embedded triples. This allows graphs to capture relationships between more than … Continue reading
A Global Knowledge and Information Management Solution
The EK Difference Because this large, global organization was seeking to successfully complete an initiative that traversed multiple departments, the effort required alignment and support from department leads, staff, and executives. EK leveraged our proven facilitation and prioritization approaches tailored … Continue reading
Enterprise AI Readiness Assessment
Understand your organization’s priority areas before committing resources to mature your information and data management solutions. Enterprise Knowledge’s AI Readiness Assessment considers your organization’s business and technical ecosystem, and identifies specific priority and gap areas to help you make
targeted investments and gain tangible value from your data and information. Continue reading
Leveraging Ontologies and Biomedical Standards for Data Governance, Process Optimization, and Product Findability
The Challenge A global veterinary company that provides a comprehensive suite of products, software, and services for veterinary professionals needed an effective taxonomy and ontology design to provide easy and consistent ways to find and use data in order to … Continue reading
Metadata Use Case: IMDB in Amazon Prime Video
Have you been catching up on your favorite TV shows lately? If so, while watching a series or movie from home, it is very likely you might have asked yourself the following questions: “The narrator’s voice sounds familiar, who is … Continue reading
Top 10 EK Blogs of the Decade
In the past decade, EK employees have published over 230 pieces of thought leadership, addressing everything from best practices and success stories, to key insights and lessons learned. Sharing our knowledge and expertise is one of our guiding principles at … Continue reading
What is the Roadmap to Enterprise AI?
Artificial Intelligence technologies allow organizations to streamline processes, optimize logistics, drive engagement, and enhance predictability as the organizations themselves become more agile, experimental, and adaptable. To demystify the process of incorporating AI capabilities into your own enterprise, we broke it … Continue reading
Four Key Components of Enterprise Knowledge Graphs
Enterprise knowledge graphs are an incredibly valuable tool for relating your structured and unstructured information, allowing you to easily obtain actionable insights from large amounts of information across your enterprise. An enterprise knowledge graph is also an important foundation for … Continue reading
How to Build a Knowledge Graph in Four Steps: The Roadmap From Metadata to AI
The scale and speed at which data and information are being generated today makes it challenging for organizations to effectively capture valuable insights from massive amounts of information and diverse sources. We rely on Google, Amazon, Alexa, and other chatbots … Continue reading
How to Distinguish Between Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Metadata Fields
When designing an enterprise taxonomy, the number of possible metadata fields that can be used to describe content can be overwhelming. Depending on the type of content, the size of the organization, and the breadth of that organization’s functions, the … Continue reading