
Content related to Agile Content Teams Part 1: Ceremonies

Complement Your Change Management Efforts with Gamification

Despite being a relatively new concept in the KM field, gamification is already an overused term that gets thrown around in virtually any initiative. Defined as an organization’s use of design and insights from video games to increase participant engagement … Continue reading

6 Simple Design Principles to Supplement Your Messaging

Visual Design to Enhance Your Message On a daily basis, EK consultants create presentations for clients including everything from facilitation materials for knowledge management workshops and meetings, to educational web resources for web products. As a design enthusiast, I’m often … Continue reading

Design Thinking for Organization Design

At EK, we are mindful that for any Knowledge and Information Management initiative to be effectively adopted within an organization we have to ask ourselves two questions: “who will have to do their jobs differently?” and “what new processes and … Continue reading

Applied Design Thinking

Regardless of whether you’re building an organization-wide intranet or designing a strategy to mature knowledge management within your organization, these efforts will succeed or fail based on how you engage your end users. Too often, KM efforts suffer from not … Continue reading

Moving Your Knowledge Management Journey Forward with Design Thinking

As I’ve often asserted, one of the major reasons KM efforts fail is the lack of early, frequent, and consistent involvement from end users. We also continue to see organizations struggle with early KM strategy and decision-making, failing to get … Continue reading