Content related to Rebecca Wyatt and Emily Crockett to Speak at Upcoming Learning Guild Conference
Expert Analysis: How Does My Organization Use Auto-tagging Effectively? Part Two
In part one of this series, James Midkiff and Sara Duane, senior technical consultants at EK, discussed what auto-tagging is and when an organization should use it. This blog will discuss auto-tagging best practices to answer the foundational question, “How … Continue reading
Knowledge Portals Revisited
Nearly a quarter-century ago, I began my career in Knowledge Management helping organizations to design and implement portals. At the time, portals were one of the first enterprise knowledge management technologies to hit the market, arising as a reaction to … Continue reading
Road Maps & Roadblocks to Federal Electronic Records Management
Angela Pitts, Sr. Consultant at Enterprise Knowledge, and Dave Simmons, Sr. Records Officer at General Services Administration (GSA), presented a case study in federal electronic records management that detailed the success of the GSA’s Enterprise Document Management Solution (EDMS). They detailed the … Continue reading
Building an Innovative Learning Ecosystem at Scale with Graph Technologies
Todd Fahlberg, a Portfolio Manager for Enterprise Knowledge, and Amber Simpson, a Senior Manager at Walmart Academy, presented on November 9, 2022 at the KMWorld Conference in Washington, DC on the topic of Building an Innovative Learning Ecosystem at Scale … Continue reading
Identifying Security Risks Using Auto-Tagging and Text Analytics
On Thursday, November 10, Joe Hilger and Sara Duane spoke at Text Analytics Forum about identifying secure and confidential information using auto-tagging. Information security continues to grow in importance in today’s society. We hear stories all of the time about … Continue reading
Resolving Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)
Organizations that are getting started with the Resource Description Framework (RDF) often ask “Why do all of the entity identifiers look like URLs? Are they supposed to actually go somewhere?” This can be difficult to answer without taking the time to … Continue reading
What is a CCMS and Why Do I Need One?
If you work on a content or technology team, you may have heard about Component Content Management Systems (CCMS) and wondered, “do we need that?” CCMSs have grown in popularity over the past few years and have begun to prove … Continue reading
Training and Organizational Design for a Federal Agency
The Challenge A US federal agency with a wide array of geographic distribution and responsibilities sought to better distribute learning events and resources to diverse professionals spread all over the United States. With a workforce of over 20,000 and millions … Continue reading
Constructing KM Technology: Tips for Implementing Your KM Technology Solutions
In the digital age that we now live in, making Knowledge Management (KM) successful at any organization relies heavily on the technologies used to accomplish every day tasks. Companies are recognizing the importance of providing their workforce with smarter, more … Continue reading
Leveraging Headless CMS for Technical Cross-Functionality
Headless CMS (Content Management System) architecture is a flexible development strategy for applications that is rapidly growing in today’s industry practices. Utilizing a headless CMS architecture allows an application to deliver content authored from a single interface to multiple delivery … Continue reading