
Content related to Webinar: Knowledge Capture and Knowledge Transfer in the Age of AI

6 Questions to Help Determine Where to Start Your KM Transformation

“Where do we start?” It’s a question that can seem daunting for the organizations that EK works with as they contemplate moving from developing a Knowledge Management (KM) Strategy to implementation. This question invites uncertainty and even skepticism as leadership … Continue reading

Developing a Business Case for Knowledge Management

Whenever I describe Knowledge Management (KM) to someone who may not be familiar with it, I often get a response of surprise due to their lack of awareness of something so fundamental and necessary for any organization to be effective. … Continue reading

Three Important Factors to Consider for Implementing Effective Content Management

Organizational change, although deeply beneficial, is no easy task. One particularly daunting task is initiating an effective content management effort that will be embraced by their users. Organizations often want to change their content practices, make it more findable, less … Continue reading

Enriching Knowledge Management Through Cultivating Communities of Practice

What Are Communities of Practice? You may have picked up a few new hobbies or pursuits during the COVID-19 pandemic, but have you done anything to nurture your existing professional interests and areas of expertise? A community of practice (CoP) … Continue reading