Content related to Webinar: Driving Contact Center Cost Efficiency with Knowledge Management
Your KM Project Needs a Change Strategy
Do you assume people will adopt your new knowledge management initiative, or is adoption something you are actively investing in? Resistance can be the death knell for a KM project, and can lead to technology being left unused, processes being … Continue reading
Zen and Taxonomy Communication – The Art of Facilitating & Communicating Taxonomy
This presentation discusses how to discuss taxonomy with non-taxonomists. It covers taxonomy challenges, taxonomy value statements, communication best practices, and EK’s workshop methodology.
Action Oriented Search Workshop
The ability to search and find information is critical to every large enterprise. Have you spent money on search engines or KM tools like SharePoint and found that your employees won’t use the tool because they cannot find anything? More … Continue reading
How to Build a User-Centric Product: A Quick Guide to UX Design
User experience matters because users matter. A product could be built from the latest and greatest technology and best practices, but what good is it if no one is actually using it? As simple as this concept sounds, time and … Continue reading
Making Workshops Work
In my years of Knowledge Management Consulting, one of the most critical tools in my utility belt has been the workshop. We often leverage a workshop concept as one of the initial engagements we have with a new client. I … Continue reading
Agile Taxonomy Maintenance
Taxonomy management typically follows a Library and Information Science paradigm. The taxonomist is a keeper of knowledge, who is responsible for updating and managing the “Source of Truth.” Each version of the taxonomy is published and subsequently distributed to separate … Continue reading
Enabling Faceted Navigation in 60 Seconds
Zach Wahl Featured in CIOReview Magazine’s Special Knowledge Management Issue
Zach Wahl was featured in CIOReview Magazine’s special Knowledge Management issue. Wahl published an article titled, “The Keys to Practical Knowledge Management Systems,” detailing best practices in the strategy, design, and management of Knowledge and Information Management Systems. The article … Continue reading
Creating a Managed Metadata Column in SharePoint Online
Designing an effective business taxonomy involves facilitating a series of workshops, focus groups, content analyses, and one-on-one interviews. According to Zach Wahl, CEO of Enterprise Knowledge, the result of this approach is “a truly usable design that reflects the needs … Continue reading
Website Design Best Practices
Over the last six months, Enterprise Knowledge (EK) has been in the midst of taking the best of what we know and applying it to our own website. Though we’ve helped an array of Federal Agencies, Fortune 500 Companies, and … Continue reading