
Content related to What is a CCMS and Why Do I Need One?

Personas to Products: Writing Persona-Driven Epics and User Stories

Personas encompass the needs, motives, values, expectations, and goals of a user and help us develop user-centered products and solutions. This is particularly important when integrating knowledge management throughout our business; an approach where we are constantly involving business users … Continue reading

The Business Analyst Role: Agile v. Waterfall

In this presentation, Yanko Ivanov and Tatiana Baquero Cakici share their experience regarding how the role of a Business Analyst (BA) changes in an agile environment when a software development team is trying to move from a traditional software development … Continue reading

Improving Findability using Content Deconstruction

Lengthy documents spanning tens or hundreds of pages are commonplace in today’s enterprises. However, they provide a host of issues when trying to integrate into a company’s intranet. These issues can be solved by the use of content deconstruction – breaking large documents into more granular, manageable units of content – for improved tagging and findability. Continue reading