Blog Archives

Knowledge Management of Structured and Unstructured Information

Our KM Consultants help organizations improve the way they capture, share, and reuse information. Many KM projects focus on managing unstructured information like documents, emails, and web pages. While this type of unstructured information is critical, it is not the … Continue reading

What is an Ontology and Why Do I Want One?

Ontologies and semantic technologies are becoming popular again. They were a hot topic in the early 2000s, but the tools needed to implement these concepts were not yet sufficiently mature. Ontology and semantic technologies have now matured to the point … Continue reading

Agile vs. Waterfall Project Management Series Part 1: It’s Not a Competition

Humans have been developing processes and refining how to manage work for many years. The Brief History of Project Management dates the application of Project Management (PM) back to the construction days of the Great Pyramids of Giza. Today, we … Continue reading

Ontology Design Best Practices – Part II

This is the second in a two part blog series, sharing our best practices collected through our efforts in ontology consulting. The first part of the series described 5 key recommendations for any new ontology project. These recommendations need to … Continue reading

Knowledge Management in 2017

After nearly twenty years of Knowledge Management Consulting, I’ve developed core themes to what I believe comprises good KM. EK’s definition of KM embodies many of these themes: “Knowledge Management involves the people, culture, content, processes, and enabling technologies necessary … Continue reading