Content related to Breaking it Down: What is an Ontology?
The Art of Taxonomy Design
Throughout my years of taxonomy design consulting, I’ve tried to balance the human side of taxonomy with the data-driven side. This has evolved over time to inform the hybrid taxonomy design methodology that EK leverages. This approach leverages both top-down … Continue reading
Search Design Best Practices
Search is one of the most important capabilities of every Knowledge Management project on which we work. Every company of any size has to find a way to make search work. It can be a website search for customers, a … Continue reading
Introducing Content Standards in Social Organizations
How can spontaneous innovation and organizational standards live happily in the same knowledge management system? While working with a client recently, I was impressed by how much innovation I was seeing throughout the organization. Folks were “figuring things out” in … Continue reading
Agile Knowledge Management
Companies in nearly every industry are adopting Agile techniques to enhance IT projects, manage marketing initiatives, and manage their business. If you are passionate about Knowledge Management (KM), you may wonder how Agile and KM fit together. We at Enterprise … Continue reading
New Year’s Resolutions – The Knowledge Management Edition
If you’re like many, at this time of year, you’re tossing the last of the fruit cake, sweeping the pine needles, and shelving the holiday decorations for another year. Of course, it’s also that time of year to begin making … Continue reading
Taxonomy for Bartenders: Achieving Success and Stakeholder Buy-In
In this presentation, Angela Pitts explains what taxonomy is and shares best practices for designing an effective taxonomy.
Six Ways to Simplify Metadata Management
Good metadata is critical to helping people find information. Metadata can be used to enhance search tools, drive navigation and relate documents to one another. Unfortunately, manually adding metadata to content is cumbersome for small batches of content and impractical … Continue reading
Six ways to Simplify Metadata Management
Many of our clients come to Enterprise Knowledge (EK) looking for help defining a metadata schema for their search or content management initiatives. Too often they tell us that they do not have the budget or team to keep up … Continue reading
Merging Knowledge and Information Management for Real Results
Over our years of knowledge management consulting and information management consulting, our clients often ask what the difference is between KM and IM. A few simple online searches show similar queries run amok. My experience, frankly, is that the definitions … Continue reading
Taxonomy Design Best Practices and Methodology
This presentation, originally presented at the Knowledge Management Institute’s KM Symposium on March 27, 2014, addresses the concepts of business taxonomy value, taxonomy design methodology, and taxonomy design best practices. It is intended as an introductory deck for anyone seeking … Continue reading