
Content related to Driving Behavioral Change for Information Management through Data-Driven Green Strategy (EDW 2024)

How to Optimize Search Relevance: Boosting and Filtering

What if when searching your company’s intranet for the terms “service desk,” the first 10 results have nothing to do with a web page where you can submit an IT service ticket? Or what if you are searching for “reports,” … Continue reading

The UX Guide to Chatbots

Think your organization could benefit from a chatbot but not sure where to start? Or, are you curious to know if your organization would actually benefit from chatbot implementation? In this blog, I’ll review four necessary areas of consideration before … Continue reading

Three Things You can do Today to Get the Most out of Microsoft 365’s Project Cortex

Project Cortex is Microsoft’s new AI offering as part of its Microsoft 365 Suite. It will have several exciting features that organizations can leverage to make connections between content, data, and experts. Cortex will be able to surface knowledge that … Continue reading

Presentation: Introduction to Knowledge Graphs

This workshop presentation from Joe Hilger, Founder and COO, and Sara Nash, Technical Analyst, was delivered on June 8, 2020 as part of the Data Summit 2020 virtual conference. The 3-hour workshop provided an interdisciplinary group of participants with a … Continue reading

Natural Language Processing and Taxonomy Design

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that processes and analyzes human language found in text. Some of the exciting capabilities that NLP offers includes parsing out the significant entities in content through a statistical analysis … Continue reading

Give the People What They Want – An Approach to Thoughtful KM Technology

Presented by Todd Fahlberg, Knowledge Management Consultant, on May 19, 2020. Implementing a meaningful Knowledge Management technology brings many levels of challenges, even in the most innovative, user-centric organizations. In this session, Todd Fahlberg shares proven practices on how to … Continue reading