
Content related to Overcoming Enterprise Taxonomy and Ontology Design Challenges

Six Ways to Simplify Metadata Management

Good metadata is critical to helping people find information. Metadata can be used to enhance search tools, drive navigation and relate documents to one another. Unfortunately, manually adding metadata to content is cumbersome for small batches of content and impractical … Continue reading

Merging Knowledge and Information Management for Real Results

Over our years of knowledge management consulting and information management consulting, our clients often ask what the difference is between KM and IM.  A few simple online searches show similar queries run amok.  My experience, frankly, is that the definitions … Continue reading

Taxonomy Design Best Practices and Methodology

This presentation, originally presented at the Knowledge Management Institute’s KM Symposium on March 27, 2014, addresses the concepts of business taxonomy value, taxonomy design methodology, and taxonomy design best practices. It is intended as an introductory deck for anyone seeking … Continue reading

Taxonomy Consulting and the Importance of UX Design

In my nearly twenty years of taxonomy consulting, I’ve consistently preached the gospel of user experience design.  I coined the term “Business Taxonomy” in order to reflect the basic principle that taxonomies for today’s information users need to reflect the … Continue reading

Governance and Iteration of Taxonomies

I recently presented at a Knowledge Management Institute event on the topic of Taxonomy Governance.  I regard taxonomy governance as a critical component of any information management initiative.  Though most organizations understand the important role effective taxonomy design plays, taxonomy … Continue reading