Top 5 EK Blogs of 2020
As we enter the holiday season, EK reflects on all that we have to be thankful for. Amid this global pandemic, many companies were forced to close their doors. Conversely, EK has been fortunate enough to see continued growth over … Continue reading
Knowledge Cast – Dr. Paulette Hasier of Library of Congress
In this episode of the Knowledge Cast, EK CEO Zach Wahl speaks with Dr. Paulette Hasier, Geography and Map Division Chief at the Library of Congress. Dr. Hasier has served as Chief of the Geography and Map Division at the … Continue reading
Knowledge Cast – Stephanie Hill of Paypal
In this episode of the Knowledge Cast, EK CEO Zach Wahl speaks with Stephanie Hill, Sr. Director, Knowledge Management at PayPal. Stephanie Hill became the Senior Director of Knowledge Management in June 2019, and has focused on developing the content … Continue reading
Knowledge Management by the Numbers
In EK CEO Zach Wahl’s presentation from KMWorld Connect 2020, he discusses the importance of putting KM in terms of business value and ROI. The presentation details EK’s Proprietary KM Maturity Benchmark, a process to understand your organization’s current and … Continue reading
Trends in Enterprise Learning
Lately I’ve been watching the quick maturation of learning and development concepts, practices, and technologies with interest and excitement. Organizations are paying more attention to learning and performance, how they apply it within their organization, and how it fits together … Continue reading
What is Enterprise Learning and Why is it Important?
What is Enterprise Learning? Enterprise learning includes creating a set of learning principles and practices that allow employees, partners, clients, and customers to access knowledge and training at the time of need. In a world where content changes fast and … Continue reading
Knowledge Cast – Polly Alexander of HealthStream
In this episode of the Knowledge Cast, EK CEO Zach Wahl speaks with Polly Alexander, Senior Manager of Knowledge Management at HealthStream. Polly Alexander is a knowledge management professional with an extensive background in public health and informatics in a … Continue reading
Read My Mind – Fostering Effective Communication
I was recently reading an article from Psychology Today entitled, “Why Didn’t You Hear What I Meant to Say?” by Leon F Seltzer, Ph.D., where the author illustrates how people trick themselves into thinking that they’ve adequately communicated with others. … Continue reading
Knowledge Cast – Patrick Cleary of DraftKings
In this episode of the Knowledge Cast, EK CEO Zach Wahl speaks with Patrick Cleary, Knowledge Management Manager at DraftKings. Patrick is an accomplished, self-motivated, and adaptable director of knowledge management with 15+ years of experience helping companies to achieve … Continue reading
Knowledge Cast – Dr. Stacey Young of USAID
In this episode of the Knowledge Cast, EK CEO Zach Wahl speaks with Dr. Stacey Young, Agency Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning Officer at US Agency for International Development. Stacey Young, Ph.D., became USAID’s first Agency Knowledge Management and Organizational … Continue reading