
Content related to Final Agenda Set for Semantic Layer Symposium 2024: Don’t Miss Out!

EK AMA – Why doesn’t my search work like Google?

Enterprise Knowledge is proud to announce a new series to Knowledge Cast called EK AMA. EK AMA takes a look at common questions Enterprise Knowledge receives from our clients and colleagues and provides an quick answer to them.  In this … Continue reading

Knowledge Cast – Donita Volkwijn of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

In this episode of the Knowledge Cast, EK CEO Zach Wahl speaks with Donita Volkwijn, Manager of Knowledge Management at Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors. Donita joined Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors in May 2012, and leads Knowledge Management transformation efforts, with the aim … Continue reading

Employee 360 Views: Common Use Cases

In an earlier blog, I discussed what Employee 360 Views are and which possible sources of information can feed them. In this blog, I describe why Employee 360 Views are important from various end users’ perspectives, what employee information they … Continue reading

Employee 360 Views: What are they?

Leaders from every organization need accurate and up-to-date information about their employees to support key corporate decisions, enhance business profitability, and remain competitive in today’s world. One of the best ways to better understand your employees is through an Employee … Continue reading

360-view of a Consumer: Deduplicating and Constructing Consumer Data using an Identity Graph

The Challenge For the last 30 years, a large global digital marketing and technology firm has been collecting consumer data on adults in the United States from hundreds of primary sources to build consumer marketing databases. Because data comes from … Continue reading

Using Wireframes to Define and Visualize Enterprise Knowledge Graphs

As a complement to our enterprise search engagements with clients, we often end up exploring how the implementation of a knowledge graph can establish the foundation for more advanced KM and data efforts, such as smart search or AI capabilities … Continue reading