Blog Archives

Overcoming Enterprise Taxonomy and Ontology Design Challenges

In almost every taxonomy project, certain inescapable challenges arise. Many of these are the tangible business challenges, such as gaining stakeholder buy-in, configuring systems implementation and integration, drafting a governance procedure, and ensuring the business needs are met during every … Continue reading

How Knowledge Management Can Improve Your Business Process

In today’s rapidly advancing global market, effective Business Process Management (BPM) is essential for organizations as they navigate constant change and work to preserve their competitive advantages and evolve as an organization to meet new internal requirements and constraints.  At … Continue reading

What I’m Looking Forward to Learning at SEMANTiCS Austin 2020

SEMANTiCS Austin 2020 is the inaugural SEMANTiCS U.S. conference that will bring together knowledge graphs, ontologies, and Enterprise AI. These topics, among others, are of particular interest to my work in search and semantics, and I am excited to see … Continue reading

Top 5 EK Blogs of 2019

In the past year, EK employees have published over 60 pieces of thought leadership, covering a variety of topics, including Knowledge Graphs and AI, Knowledge Transfer, and Integrated Change Management. Below are the top 5 most viewed blogs and white … Continue reading

Content Silos: Causes, Problems, and Solutions

Organizations are producing exponentially more content than ever before. In most businesses today, every employee is a content creator which has led to multiple, uncoordinated content management systems (CMS). Siloed systems cause content management issues such as duplication of content, … Continue reading

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the Enterprise?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to be the key source of transformation, disruption, and competitive advantage in today’s fast-changing economy. Gartner estimates that AI will create $2.9 trillion in business value and 6.2 billion hours of worker productivity in 2021. … Continue reading