
Content related to Fueling Learning and Development with Knowledge Management

IT Support Implementation for a Large Federal Bank

The Challenge A large federal bank managing over $100 billion worth of assets realized that their employees were unable to effectively do their job because they had to sort through copious amounts of content stored across multiple repositories. Specifically, the … Continue reading

Knowledge Cast – Claudia Sandulache of Société Générale Retail Bank (BDDF)

In this episode of the Knowledge Cast, EK CEO Zach Wahl speaks with Claudia Sandulache, Director Of Knowledge Management at Société Générale Retail Bank (BDDF). Claudia has been with the organization for 3 years and currently works on developing, maintaining … Continue reading

EK AMA – Why doesn’t my search work like Google?

Enterprise Knowledge is proud to announce a new series to Knowledge Cast called EK AMA. EK AMA takes a look at common questions Enterprise Knowledge receives from our clients and colleagues and provides an quick answer to them.  In this … Continue reading

Knowledge Cast – Donita Volkwijn of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

In this episode of the Knowledge Cast, EK CEO Zach Wahl speaks with Donita Volkwijn, Manager of Knowledge Management at Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors. Donita joined Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors in May 2012, and leads Knowledge Management transformation efforts, with the aim … Continue reading